(last update: 3 April 2020)
Ongoing data science pipeline to process, analyse and visualise COVID-19 pandemia data. The intented goal is to illustrate with data cleaning, processing and visualisation pipelines, the most update packages and libraries for doing Data Science with R
The current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that was first reported from Wuhan, China, on 31 December 2019.
Since mid-february, Johns Hopkins CSSE reports the number of diagnoses with the coronavirus and their residence on a daily base. The data contains the total number of positively tested (confirmed), deaths and recovery patients. ~The raw dataset can be found on the github repository. This dataset is daily updated.
Suggest on this project is appreciated. I am looking for new features for the data pipelines.
See data science pipeline for technical details regarding data collection and cleaning.
The following graphs show the development of Coronavirus consequences on a daily basis. The outputs are updated on an daily basis and are generated automatically.
TOP 20 Countries
Death rate!
Case by country
Top 15
The pipeline is inspired by Yanchang Zhao. Citation:
COVID-19 Data Analysis with Tidyverse and Ggplot2 – Worldwide. RDataMining.com, 2020.
Output for Jupyter COVID-Descriptives
PDF Format COVID-Descriptives
Please connect with me c.utrilla.guerrero@gmail.com